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from Rivertown Insurance

Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor liability insurance is a type of insurance policy specifically designed for businesses that manufacture, serve, or sell alcoholic beverages.

It provides financial protection for a business in the event that the consumption of alcohol it sold leads to an accident, injuries, or damages for which the business is held legally responsible.

Who Needs It?

Bars, restaurants, nightclubs, breweries, and liquor stores are examples of businesses that commonly need liquor liability insurance. Basically, any establishment that sells or serves alcoholic beverages should consider this type of insurance.

What Does It Cover?

  1. Legal Fees: Liquor liability insurance covers legal fees associated with any lawsuit filed against the business related to alcohol-related incidents.
  2. Settlements and Damages: It provides coverage for settlements or damages awarded in a lawsuit related to alcohol-related incidents.
  3. Medical Costs: The insurance may also cover medical costs for injuries resulting from alcohol-related accidents for which the business is held responsible.
  4. Assault and Battery Coverage: Some liquor liability policies offer coverage for claims related to fights or altercations that occur on the business’s premises as a result of alcohol service.

Importance of Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor liability insurance is crucial because most general liability insurance policies exclude claims related to the sale or service of alcohol.

Even in places where this type of insurance is not legally required, businesses that sell or serve alcohol expose themselves to significant risk without it.

An alcohol-related incident can result in substantial financial burdens due to legal fees, medical expenses, and other associated costs.

Liquor liability insurance provides a financial safety net, helping businesses manage these risks and continue their operations even in the face of such challenges.

In summary, liquor liability insurance is an essential investment for any business involved in the sale or service of alcohol, providing vital protection against the financial impact of alcohol-related incidents and claims.

Liquor Liability Insurance Quotes

We'll review your current insurance for gaps and offer suggestions to improve your coverage or reduce your premiums, depending on your needs.